Monday 11 November 2013



Have you seen the famous TV shows CSI or House or for that matter movies like Contagion, 28 days later or Will Smith's 'I am legend'? These are the most popular TV shows and movies which reflect the effect of biotechnology on human lives. In fact, whatever you are eating while reading this including your breakfast cereal or your vitamins; they all have a bit of Biotechnology in them. So, what is Biotechnology?
Biotechnology is a field of applied biology that involves the use of living organisms and bioprocesses in engineering, technology, medicine, and other fields requiring bio-products.

A biotechnologist is a trained scientist who applies his or her knowledge of living organisms to a variety of industries, especially manufacturing, medical, environmental and agricultural.
A series of derived terms have been coined to identify several branches of biotechnology; for example:
  • Bioinformatics is a subfield which addresses biological problems using computational techniques. (It is difficult to think that computers can be used to rectify biological problems, but apparently biotechnologists do so and do it pretty well!)
  • Blue biotechnology is a term that has been used to describe the marine and aquatic applications of biotechnology, but its use is relatively rare. (Did you know that for a long time whale oil was used in cosmetics, crèmes and lotions)
  • Green biotechnology is biotechnology applied to agricultural processes. (That's why vegetables are the size of rugby balls and baseball bats now!)
  • Red biotechnology is applied to medical processes.
  • White biotechnology, also known as industrial biotechnology, is biotechnology applied to industrial processes.

Duration & Countries

Bio-Technology is a research oriented science, a combination of Biology and Technology. It covers a wide variety of subjects like Genetics, Biochemistry, Microbiology, Immunology, Virology, Chemistry and Engineering. It can be studied as a B.Sc and M.Sc programmes (a few universities also offer five-year integrated B.Tech /M.Tech Dual Degree Programmes after 10+2 Science) and also as a B.Tech and M.Tech courses.

USA - With most of the research oriented universities in USA; it is a natural first choice for students aspiring to study biotechnology outside India. BS in Biotechnology is the course offered at the undergraduate level. The duration of the courses are approximately 4 years and the fee for the topmost universities is between $20,000 and $35,000 per annum. University of Iowa, Oregon State University, University of Texas At Austin and University of California are some of the most popular universities for biotechnological studies in USA. .

UK - More than 25 popular universities in UK offer full time B Sc (honours) courses in Biotechnology. The most popular of them are the University of Bristol, University of Nottingham, University of Birmingham and University of Glasgow. The duration of these courses is for 3 to 4 years and the fee is around 11,000 to 16,000 pounds per annum. Merit based scholarships are also available but are very competitive.

Australia - With more than 27 of the most popular universities in Australia offering courses in Biotechnology, it is one of the most sought after countries to study. University of Queensland, James Cook University, University of Western Australia, La Trobe University and Charles Sturt University offer 4 years full time Bachelor of Science (Biotechnology) courses. Scholarships are in plenty and the fee is around 18,000 to 30,000 AUD.

India - With its prominent Biotechnology hubs in Hyderabad, Bangalore and Mumbai, India is a good option for biotechnology related courses. The Universities and colleges like All India Institute of Medical Sciences (AIIMS) and IITs (Delhi, Chennai & Kharagpur) offer B. Tech & M. Tech in Biotechnology and are for duration of 4 to 5 ½ years. Admission to the courses in any of these prestigious universities is through an entrance exam. The fee for both undergraduate and post graduate courses in biotechnology is around Rs. 50,000 per annum.

Training Areas

India-With its prominent Biotechnology hubs in Hyderabad, Bangalore and Mumbai, India is a good option for biotechnology related courses. The Universities and colleges like All India Institute of Medical Sciences (AIIMS) and IITs (Delhi, Chennai & Kharagpur) offer B. Tech & M. Tech in Biotechnology and are for duration of 4 to 5 ½ years. Admission to the courses in any of these prestigious universities is through an entrance exam. The fee for both undergraduate and post graduate courses in biotechnology is around Rs. 50,000 per annum.
  • Protecting the environment and making sure that the water we drink is purified, safe hygienic.
  • Using acquired knowledge of microorganisms to make processed food or household products.
  • Discovering cures for diseases.
  • Researching the effects of pesticides and developing alternative ingredients.
  • Working as an investigator and ensuring companies follow safety and health regulations.
Don't we just love those seedless papayas, watermelons and apples? Just dig your teeth into the fruit and it melts in your mouth. There is no need to worry about chewing a seed accidentally and spoiling the taste of the fruit. How thoughtful of the biotechnologists to have considered our eating inconveniences and coming up with seedless solutions!


Biotechnologists are needed all around the globe. People everywhere need their aspirins and vitamins; vegans need soybeans and cheese whereas non-vegetarians need everything else. Every product eaten (including soybeans and cheese), applied on our body or manufactured in a factory uses biotechnology. Therefore, biotechnologists are considered a valuable addition in every industry in every country.

Besides working in various industries, most biotechnologists receive grants and fellowships from universities abroad to help further their research in their specific field of study. Fellowships are for a period of 2 to 3 years and the financial support depends on the university you have applied to. Therefore, international options are also available for academically inclined biotechnologists. One can work as a research scientist in the biotechnological firms or work as college professors on advising students internationally. That's your choice!

Career Prospects

It is not commonly known to us but biotechnology has been in use for over 10,000 years. The earliest form of biotechnology was when our ancestors found a way to select and grow certain types of plants and animals. The industrial use of biotechnology started when people learnt to use microbes to produce wine, bread, cheese, and other products. Sounds like it is a pretty old profession!
With a post graduation in Biotechnology, an individual can find work as:
  • Bioinformatician - A bioinformatics specialist designs, develops, and uses tools for gaining information about biotech procedures.
  • Biotechnical Scientist- A biotechnical scientist works as part of a group of scientists on specific projects. This position often entails knowledge of several programming languages.
  • Consultant- A biotechnical scientist can work in an engineering consulting firm to provide advice and support in product development, process implementation, forensic analysis, manufacturing, management recruitment and training.
  • Industry Researcher- A biotech researcher helps define the range and scope of new areas of research. (A position with a lot of power and authority)
  • Investigator- An investigator's job is to determine whether a biotech company is operating in compliance with existing laws and regulations.
  • Professor- If you like an academic profession more than research, this may be the right choice for you. Many universities look for scientists willing to share their knowledge and expertise with others.
  • Project Leader- A project leader oversees the collection, analysis, and integration of data from different sources. He directs collaboration between group scientists as well as two-way work with partner organisations.
In case, the above mentioned careers or industries don't impress you, you can always start your sheep rearing business. Surprised? Haven't you heard of "Dolly" the perfectly cloned sheep? Brisk business and no mating issues!

Type of Companies

Have you seen the NIIT advertisement? The one in which the NIIT graduate gets kidnapped and recruited in a firm. In reality, biotechnology graduates are pretty much in the same limelight.

Biotechnology is a booming industry and is growing at a tremendous pace. A survey by FICCI reveals that the shortage of doctorate and post – doctorate scientists in Biotechnology field is around 80 percent. This is the reason why the job prospects in Biotechnology are 10 times more than in other life science industries. Hence, a student with a professional degree in Biotechnology is sure to find a good job that offers sumptuous remuneration.

Following are some of the industries where biotechnologists are kidnapped and placed. Sorry …..typo error….recruited and placed:
  • Agriculture
  • Animal Husbandry
  • Aquaculture and Marine Industry
  • Environment
  • Healthcare & patenting
  • Chemical & Pharmaceutical industry
  • Manufacturing Industry
In fact, companies which are involved in the activity of controlling pollution, also hire the services of experts in Biotechnology. So, from gene modification to pollution control, a biotechnologist does it all.
Few of the popular companies in India which hire biotechnologists are:
  • Biocon
  • Serum Institute of India
  • Panacea Biotech
  • Mahyco Monsanto Biotech
  • Rasi Seeds
  • Novo Nordisk
  • Aventis
  • Indian Immunologicals
  • Venkateshwara Hatcheries
  • Ranbaxy
  • Dr. Reddy’s Labs
  • Piramal Healthcare.


Equipped with the qualifications of a biotechnologist, you can choose to be either a part of a firm or an entrepreneur. Since you will specialise in one aspect of biotechnology; your job or your new firm will naturally cater to that specific industry. You can become an entrepreneur by setting up a biotech company of your own. Today, India boasts of more than 150 biotech companies which are either into the manufacturing of products or are into the provision of services. Biocon India is just one of the examples.

One note of caution: Any biotechnology company will require huge investments for research, equipments and manpower. If you don't already have a patented product, besides money patience will be your real asset.

We suggest that you first choose the industry within the biotechnological sector which interests you the most. Work in your chosen industry to gain experience, expertise and insight. Generate contacts over a period of time and then take the plunge. Your chances of success will be much higher.


Biotechnology is one of those very few courses which pay high remuneration, even to fresh graduates. However, the remuneration depends upon the academic qualification, institute or university from which the degree is obtained and the level of work experience. A salary ranging in between 3.5 lakh and 4 lakh per annum is offered in the Intellectual Property Rights Division, where one begins one's career as a research associate. One will be able to command a remuneration of 3 lakh per annum as a research scientist in the research and development department.
Following is the salary range for Biotechnologists in India:
Experience in YearsCompensation per annum
0 to 5 years3 lakh to 7 lakhs
6 to 10 years7 to 16 lakhs
11 to 15 years16 to 25 lakhs
15 years25 lakhs and above

Ineligible Subjects

Biotechnology is that branch of science which is rapidly gaining significance amongst youngsters who want to explore the new frontiers of science.

Although, the name may suggest that this branch of science has stemmed out of biology but that's not the case. Apart from biology, this branch of science also assimilates diverse subjects like physics, chemistry and mathematics. Furthermore, engineering applications are also an integral constituent of biotechnology. So, anyone who wants to study biotechnology will naturally have science subjects in his/her 10+2.

A natural choice of course for a biotechnology graduate would be to pursue a post graduation in the specialised field. An unconventional choice would be Law, Architecture or Arts subjects. You can pursue these as a second bachelor’s degree since you have science in you class 12.

What you cannot pursue are career like defence services since they have a very stringent age criteria.
Did you know that 70 percent of all processed food items readily available in the supermarket owe their existence to biotechnology? Why then would you want to change a career when it gives you to opportunity to walk into a supermarket, pick up any food product and proudly declare "I have helped in genetically modifying this product." (Don’t say it too loud….you might scare a few people from buying it.)

Pros & Cons

Biotechnology uses a combination of technology and biology to solve some of today's most urgent cultural and scientific issues. It is a diverse field with unique advantages:
  • Upcoming and constantly growing field and has opportunities worldwide.
  • Does not restrict you to a particular job or an industry.
  • Hefty pay packages
  • Respect from peers and seniors
Even the best career has its disadvantages:
  • You will have to put in a lot of hard work which can be frustrating at times.
  • You cannot make a fast buck in this profession. Success can be a slow and a tedious process.

Skill Sets

Becoming a biotechnologist is not easy. It requires many years of dedicated academic study and research experience. It is a rewarding career for those who can patiently pursue it.
Following are some of the skill sets and qualities needed to be a biotechnologist:
  • Patient and persistent
  • Creative and enquiring
  • Organised, accurate and observant skill in analysing and interpreting information
  • Planning and problem-solving skills
  • Research skills
  • Communication and people skills
  • Mechanical, laboratory and computer skills
So, how do you want to contribute to the society? Do you want to help astronauts deal with the effects of weightlessness or do you want to create fabrics for the runways of New York and Milan? Would you rather want to dedicate your life to the pursuit for finding cures for deadly diseases? You can achieve all of these through the use of biotechnology.

And remember the next time you go camping, you know who made your camping gear and climbing ropes so reliable…….yes, a biotechnologist.

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